Saturday, September 14, 2013

Day 44 – Popayan

A note on wildlife in Colombia: Be forewarned, if you get squirmy about bugs, skip this blog entry.

We made our way out of Cali Thursday morning in what was a rather uneventful departure. We figured we could make it to Popayan in two days but we weren’t sure where we would stop Thursday night. We made it to a town about 60km from Popayan – the perfect distance for a hilly ride the next day.

Once we realized our only option for accommodation was a dilapidated camp-like rancho, we paid our $20 000COP (about $12) and hunkered down. We decided to forgo showering in the rather filthy cob-web latent stall, and instead took a dip in the clean pool. (We knew this because there was a pool guy and the smell of chlorine wafted strongly from the clear aqua water.)

Feeling refreshed, we returned to our room where the first little bugger was sighted scurrying along the floor. Rob handled the situation aptly by squashing it with his shoe. The crunch a cockroach exudes when hammered with a Patagonia approach shoe is so disturbing, it makes me shiver just thinking about it - EEEWWWW!

Although we had already decided to sleep in our sleeping bags, we immediately realized the severity of the bug situation and turned our sights towards our clean roach-free tent. I even mended the tent to ensure our safety. We locked our bikes in our room, got cozy in the tent and slept like babies.

We awoke at the crack of dawn Friday morning, packed our bags and thanked our wise decision-making skills...

That is until we realized our grave oversight – we did not securely fasten our plethora of bags.

Initially ignorant of our mistake, we made our routine stop for our morning refresco. When Rob opened his handlebar bag, we discovered a family of cockroaches of varying sizes had taken up residence (insert shiver). Here I am checking mine.

When we finally arrived in Popayan - 15km further than the road signs indicated - we knew we/Rob had a difficult job ahead of us/him – going through ALL of our things in search of a cockroach colony.

We splayed all our things in the courtyard of a lovely Popayan hostel as Rob frantically hit and swatted ALL of them. We know this for sure, since we went through everything thorough­ly at my insistence. We then did laundry and washed everything until it was gleaming.

In the end, we were transporting approximately 30 roaches that were hiding in everything from our bike tools to our cooking stove.

We even changed hostels in case one got away. (Just kidding)

In the end we did change hostels, not because of bugs, but because of a young group of Colombians who were partying like it was 1999 - Which doesn’t bode well with a 48-year-old who needs his beauty rest;)

On a less squirmy note, we are now in a beautiful (all white) colonial town in the midst of a torrential rain storm. Luckily we have a lovely romantic room overlooking the square, (the view is the second pic below), complete with a chandelier, 12 foot ceilings and a bowl of flowers! Although there is no electricity because of the storm, we have cold beer and...Doritos! Now that my friends is a romantic combination if I have ever heard one.

Plus we believe we are cockroach free – which really is the only thing on my mind these days!

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