Sunday, October 20, 2013

Day 70 - Reflection, Bike Helmets and Ecuadorian Cheese

It has been a while since my last entry – mostly because Rob is pretty thorough on the events of our day-to-day lives. But, with a bit of coaxing and an impactful past few weeks – a baby being born, a near death experience, and hours of (rather grey) solitude – reflection seems like as good a topic as any.

The variety of landscapes and people that inhabit this tiny country of Ecuador is impressive. We have seen snow-capped volcanoes, massive canyons, sandy beaches, ripped surfer dudes and tiny little ladies that look more like hobbits than actual people - all having brought smiles to our faces and awe to our spirits.
But with all that good, there are still bouts of traveller fatigue – And although I can’t claim, “I need a nap from all this travelling”, I can relate to the notion.
Sometimes when travelling, simple things seem a wee bit harder: shopping, directions, getting on the right bus (or boat), are all exhausting from the manic gestures used in place of verbal communication; no surface is really clean here; bug bites come by the dozen; showers are never hot nor have enough pressure; and it is seriously impossible to find good cheese! Combine that with being around your partner 24/7 and everyone involved seems a tad bit cranky.
Last night as I sat in a beach cabana overlooking the stunning ocean drinking strawberry daiquiris, (could it be any more cliché? ), one woman who is desperately missing her home in Australia talked my ear off about the grandson she so misses. Her tale of woe tugged at my heartstring as I thought about a little wee girl recently born to a very good friend - her sweet little pixilated face on Skype no replacement for a good newborn cuddle session.
But sometimes something jolts you from the energy waster of aggravation over low-quality cheese - And for me, that was last week. First, Rob had a spill on a crazy busy highway, with nothing more than a little road rash and two days later I was hit by a pick-up truck on my bike. (Rob left it to me to divulge the accident, so I am.)
I was crossing the highway on my bike about 40km north of Canoa when a truck come over the hill in the wrong lane and hit me – it was instant and I literally did not even see the truck it was that fast. However I do remember being thrown backwards and landing on my head. Miraculously, my helmet took the brunt and I literally sprang up without a scratch. I have never been more thankful for a $40 piece of plastic and actually kissed the mangled lid.
Rob and I were shaken up – by both close calls - and after a little pow-wow felt pretty darn lucky to be able to make the decision that we both were getting too comfortable and we need to slow down and be more defensive riders.
After finding a guy in the next town who fixed my tire for $1.50 – I could have kissed him too - we biked into rainy, grey Canoa. It was the most beautiful scene to my eyes and I am so thankful to be here. 
Now recuperating from very minor whiplash, I can honestly say I have never been more thrilled to take a tepid shower, preach the merits of bike helmets – they really do save lives – or eat Ecuadorian cheese!


  1. Oh my goodness, I am so sorry to hear about that Amy! Wow! Your adventures sound really, really awesome, good for you guys!

  2. wow, am i glad i read the next post.....what can I say but a real treat to read your words. i'm so glad you are doing well after your accident - I am sure that at times it has been a roller coaster of emotions. you are far away but thank you so much for sharing, i'm sure you are homesick too at times. Missing you both, keep safe - d
